Care Guides

Looking to grow your Guppy aquarium with other tank mates or plants, we’ve got you covered. Our detailed care guides gives you insight on how to take care of your fishes, invertebrates, plants or other tank mates.

Guppy Fish Care Guide

Guppy fishes are one of the most popular of aquarium fish species. They don’t cost a lot in comparison to other fish found at your pet stores, although some rare Guppy breeds may be expensive. Guppies come in many different colorful variations that can be collected and…

Freshwater Livebearer Fish

Livebearer fish are colorful and active fish that are suitable for everyone who wants to own fishes. Despite their delicate appearance Livebearer are hardy, easy-care fish that add great beauty to any home and/or office aquarium. What is a Livebearer Fish? These fish are called Livebearers because…

Fish Aquarium Glossary Terms

A list of fish aquarium glossary terms to help you understand our world better. The aquarium hobby contains some words that can be confusing for those who just started out and who are experienced hobbyists. If you would like to contribute to our glossary list, please contact…

African Dwarf Frogs Care Guide

African Dwarf Frogs are small aquatic frogs that are a favorite among fish keepers. They like to keep them with their fish to create an interesting community tank. They are a freshwater frog that is fully aquatic so they don’t need any land areas in the aquarium…

Endler’s Livebearers Care Guide

Many believe that the Endler’s Livebearer is relatives to the common Guppy. However, some think they are their own species due to some appearance differences. In comparison to Guppies, Endler’s Livebearer has a much thinner body and they’re also much smaller. The males have a fluorescent orange,…

Molly Fish Care Guide

Molly fish are an easy to care for, livebearer fish. Although in nature, Mollies are brackish fish (they live where rivers starts so they used to water that contains salt mixed with freshwater). Overtime, hobbyist have breed them in freshwater containing no salt at all, so you…

Platy Fish Care Guide

Platy Fish are a very popular tropical fish because they’re easy to care for and breed easily. Try to give your Platy Fish a variety of diets, they will eat fish pellets and flakes, vegetables, frozen dried and live foods. They are a very colorful fish that…

Swordtail Fish Care Guide

Swordtail fish are one of the most popular Livebearer fish. There are many different variations of Swordtails and comes in different colors such as orange, red, green, orange, yellow, and sometimes mixed with partial black. Swordtails are omnivores and should be fed both meat and a vegetable…

Mosquitofish Care Guide

Mosquitofish is a hardy Livebearer fish that is able to thrive in most water conditions. Mosquitofish are rarely found at pet stores since they are now considered as an invasive species. A lot of countries originally brought them into their water ecosystem to help control mosquitoes since…

Four-Eyed Fish Care Guide

The Four-Eyed Fish is probably one of the most unusually large-sized Livebearer fish with a strange looking eye. Despite how their name is Four-Eyed, they really only have two eyes. And no, they don’t wear glasses either! They got their name because each of their eyes have…