Breeding Guppies

Guppies are generally a very easy to breed fish for starters. Unlike most fishes who lays eggs, Guppies are livebearers, so they retain the eggs inside their body and give birth to swimming fry.

Read through our articles to learn how to breed your Guppies and how to take care of those cute little newborn fry with these tips.

Breeding Guppies and Livebearers

Breeding Guppies and the other three most popular Livebearer fishes (Mollies, Platys and Swordtails) are great fishes to start with, as they are hardy and easy to breed. The most fascinating thing about Guppies and Livebearer fish is that the fry are able to swim immediately after…

Signs of a Guppy in Labor

It might be hard to spot a Guppy in labor since the signs may not be so obvious. The easiest methods might be to look for the darken and enlarged gravid spot but sometimes it might not be so obvious when you just got your Guppies or…

Identifying Between a Male and Female Guppy Fish

To tell between the sexes of a male or female Guppy fish apart is actually very easy once the fish reaches adolescence. In some fishes, the differences between males and females are quite subtle, but the male and female Guppies have very different appearances, making them easy…

Guppy Fry Growth Stages

Here are the different Guppy fry growth stages that you can expect. After your Guppy fry was born and you were able to rescue it before the adult Guppies were able to get to it. You’re probably wondering what’s next? If you give them adequate food and…